Oswulf is a nervous oblate who has spent most of his life in Bewcastle Monastery. The seventh son of a seventh son, he never expected to inherit any of his lordly father’s wealth, but he still struggles finding where his place is in the world. He has a fondness for story-telling and animals, and hates being in the centre of attention.

Leofwynn is a hard-working and often chipper nun of Bewcastle monastery. She has been at the monastery for as long as Oswulf has, but no-one knows how or why she ended up there. That is, apart from the Abbess Kyre, who Leofwynn seems awfully fond of. She’s practical and a good organiser, if a bit scatter-brained and impulsive when it comes to people. She wants nothing more than to live a comfortable (preferably luxurious) life with a woman she loves.

Kyre is the Abbess of Bewcastle. From a prestigious family that boasts links to the Romans, she can be a little unaware of the world outside of the monastery’s walls. However, she cares deeply about her community, despite not being very well suited to the ins and outs of politics her position has put her in control of. She is a strong advocate of literacy, and loves riddles and puzzles.
