Don’t worry if you’re as confused as out little ginger friend! I kind of wanted that reaction.

(It’s basically a reference/comment on speech, writing, and ‘ownership’ of the word. The riddle ‘spoke’ its challenge, said it “was” something, but this kid copied out its words, in the first person, thereby the words now refer to him. “I saw…”, having written that he now has taken ownership. Its little things like this that the riddles thrive off, the way in which when someone else speaks the meanings change and flit around, and when before the paper was ‘speaking’ now it’s a person taking on the ‘identity’ of the unknown object. It’s such a strange and different way of looking at the world and I love it! Where nothing is given or obvious and rather everything has a mind and power of its own and you have to play by rules that are constantly changing!)